In the mysterious world of Abiotic Factor, players encounter a variety of creatures, including one unusual character known as Jerome. Unlike the hostile monsters roaming the facility, Jerome is a harmless Coworker that players can find during their exploration. This article will guide you on how to spot and interact with this quirky character.
Finding Jerome the Coworker
To discover Jerome, players must navigate the Office Sector, particularly during nighttime. As the lights go out, be on the lookout for a creature that resembles a blonde-haired coworker crawling on all fours. This uncanny figure moves in a distinct manner, setting it apart from the more aggressive monsters in the game. The best spot to catch a glimpse of Jerome is in the main plaza where the trams converge. Keep your eyes peeled, especially early in the morning when he might crawl into view, uttering strange clichés he has picked up.
Feeding Jerome
If you're holding food while you encounter Jerome, you can feed him by following the prompted button action. He is open to any food item you offer but will refuse to eat the same item twice in one night. After successfully feeding Jerome three times, he will express his gratitude by dropping office supplies before scurrying off. Once satisfied, Jerome won't return until the power in the facility has cycled back on, adding an interesting dynamic to your nightly explorations.
Jerome's presence adds a unique and whimsical element to the otherwise tense atmosphere of Abiotic Factor. By locating and interacting with him, players can gain valuable resources while enjoying a lighter moment amidst the game's challenges. Happy hunting! is currently selling Cheap Abiotic Factor Accounts and has already provided services to many fans from around the world. Compared with other sellers on the Internet, as an experienced third-party game service provider, has many advantages that constitute the competitiveness of the website.
We will guide you to spot and interact Jerome in Abiotic Factor
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